A bit about who we are

Our tagline is Partners in Your Vision, but it takes the right people who can do just that with our customers — and sustain that as Capital Finance Bank grows. We’re not a big corporate bank and we don’t have that culture. But we aren’t a community bank either.

We think differently than financial institutions in either category, and that’s what makes us who we are. We’re looking for employees who are invested in their customer’s success, who want to collaborate across Capital Finance Bank to find and implement the right solutions for their customers.

We’re an environment of smart people and quick thinkers — people who are willing to buck the traditional banking trends, who can build old, new, and cross-functional relationships across the company, to make things happen.

Capital Finance Bank doesn’t grow because of momentum. We grow because we have a culture that fosters an entrepreneurial spirit that inspires our team to get things done.

Learn more about who we are and the Capital Finance Bank history. Be a part of something that is growing.

See how many employee have moved up from within our ranks, because they’ve demonstrated our corporate values and achieved results.